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microrelato cartesiano


Line and line, a cartesian short story

by Julia Olavarrieta and Carlos Padial

Translations by María Velasco.

Made with Blender and Ardour

Embed it!

Add this code to your html to embed the shotfilm:

<iframe src="" style='width: 100%; height: 1000px'></iframe>

or this one to embed the webtorrent version:

<iframe src="" style='width: 100%; height: 1200px'></iframe>

Contribute subtitles

Get one of this files and send us a translation via GitHub.

Or if you know how, fork and ask for a pull request


HOIPOI Cinema Boilerplate - first draft

HOIPOI torrent version

Cinema capsule

This piece of code is intended to be a first draft of a boilerplate to create a full working distributed network of clients sharing the same audiovisual piece.

Visit the webtorrent version