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Line and line, a cartesian short story
by Julia Olavarrieta and Carlos Padial
Translations by María Velasco.
Embed it!
Add this code to your html to embed the shotfilm:
<iframe src="https://surreal6.github.io/linea-y-lineo/projector/" style='width: 100%; height: 1000px'></iframe>
or this one to embed the webtorrent version:
<iframe src="https://surreal6.github.io/linea-y-lineo/projector/torrent.html" style='width: 100%; height: 1200px'></iframe>
Contribute subtitles
Get one of this files and send us a translation via GitHub.
Or if you know how, fork and ask for a pull request
HOIPOI Cinema Boilerplate - first draft
HOIPOI Cinema Boilerplate
Cinema capsules
This piece of code is intended to be a first draft of a boilerplate to create a full working distributed network of clients sharing the same audiovisual piece.
Because your work want to profit some tecnologies that youtube or vimeo doesn’t allow you to explore…
or because you don’t want to sign youtube or vimeo licenses,
or because you want to avoid some kind of censorship,
or maybe you want to promote a hype without die-by-ddos.
By using github pages, webtorrent.io and instant.io you can create a project webpage that generate a p2p network to distribute your audiovisual work in minutes
get the magnet